Invited talk at the 1st Xenarthra International Conservation Congress
Two new PhD students join the ConvergeAnt project
Sérgio's new paper on comparative myology of the masticatory apparatus in anteaters
New paper on the evolution the vertebrate gut microbiome out in mBio!
Welcome to Sophie Teullet!
Congrats Sérgio for a successful PhD defense!
Field sequencing and conference in French Guiana
Kathleen presented a poster at SVP 2019
Welcome to Yin Xun (Zach)!
Two ConvergeAnt talks at ICVM 2019
Congrats Dave and Mathilde!
Welcome to Mathilde Barthe!
Good bye Kathleen!
New paper on the molecular evolution and loss of function of the ODAM gene in mammals
Outreach article in French on the evolution of chitinase genes in placental mammals
Sérgio's first PhD paper published in Current Biology!
Welcome to Dave Lutgen!
Conference, Lab and Fieldwork in French Guiana
The ConvergeAnt team participated to a successful Evolution 2018 Congress in Montpellier (France)
Congratulations Kathleen!