Talk at ALPHY 2019: Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics Conference
Talk and Poster presented at the 9th Annual Oppenheimer De Beers Research Conference
Conference, Lab and Fieldwork in French Guiana
The ConvergeAnt team participated to a successful Evolution 2018 Congress in Montpellier (France)
Rémi won SMBE award for best student paper!
The ConvergeAnt project featured at the Evolution 2018 outreach photo exhibition at Montpellier Zoo
Poster presented at the 8th Annual Oppenheimer De Beers Research Conference
Lionel talk at the 17th International Symposium on Dental Morphology (ISDM)
Genome 10K and Genome Science Conference in Norwich (UK)
Talk at the 1st International Conference on Holobionts
Talk at the 7th Annual Oppenheimer De Beers Research Conference