After being part of the local organizing committee of the 2nd Joint Congress in Evolutionary Biology organized in Montpellier in 2018, Frédéric attended the 3rd Joint Congress in Evolutionary Biology in Montreal (Canada). He presented a talk on xenarthran species delimitation and phylogenomics based on results obtained by Mathilde during her PhD.
Barthe M., Allio R., Moraes-Barros N., Tilak M.-K., Magdeleine A., Justy F., Kuch M., Portela Miguez R., de Thoisy B., Hautier L., Poinar H.N., Nabholz B. & Delsuc F.* (26-30 July 2024). A genomic view of the xenarthran radiation. 3rd Joint Congress in Evolutionary Biology (Montreal, QC, Canada). [Oral communication]