Mathilde, Benoit and Frédéric attended the annual ALPHY Meeting on Evolutionary Genomics, Bioinformatics, Alignment and Phylogeny (Montpellier, France). Benoit and Frédéric were part of the local organizing committee (ALPHY 2024). Mathilde presented a brillant talk on the challenge of using museum specimens for species delimitation with the nine-banded armadillo species complex as a practical exemple.
Barthe M.*, Rancilhac L., Arteaga M.C., Tilak M.-K., Justy F., Loughry W.J., McDonough C.M., Thoisy B., Catzeflis F., Billet G., Hautier L., Nabholz B. & Delsuc F. (5-6 February 2024). Museomic challenges to delimit the nine-banded armadillo species complex. ALPHY Meeting on Evolutionary Genomics, Bioinformatics, Alignment and Phylogeny (Montpellier, France). [Oral communication]